FOOD inc October 14 th Nationwide - Press release

October the 14 th, 8.30 pm at all good
Cinemas nationwide

FMNZ is pleased to announce they have secured the premiere screening of the movie "Food Inc" as a nationwide fundraiser forNew Zealand  Farmers' Markets throughout the country. The premiere screening is to celebrate the new growing season and will happen on Wednesday 14th October.

Food Inc is a movie about the food we eat. It challenges us to think about who grows it and what modern developments in food production mean to our health and our environment.

The director Robert Kenner draws upon the searing reportage of authors Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation) and Michael Pollan (The Omnivore's Dilemma) There are stories of heartbreak and outrage, but the film carefully channels these emotions towards opportunities for activism. Watching FOOD, INC. gives you a strong appetite for better meals.
The overriding message to take away from the film is that each of us has the ability to vote on this issue every day –at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Farmers Markets throughout the country are giving New Zealanders an alternative to industrialised food systems and a reminder that we don't need to create factory farms to feed ourselves.

NZ Farmers Market chair Chris Fortune sees this movie as an important milestone as part of the international increase in awareness around where our food is from. "October is the month when many of our smaller, regional markets are beginning again after a winter break. It's also the month that really symbolises spring for food producers- the beginning of a new growing season, and a time of hope and promise. We think it's a perfect time to ask everyone to just take a moment to think about the choices they make when they buy their food. This film is the perfect vehicle to highlight that we all have that choice".

He also asks: "Is this the path that New Zealand is heading down as we move into a more Americanised style of food production? Alternatively do we look at the European Model of embracing the local food producers around them and using them as the heroes and icons of the dinner table?"

This movie premiere is a chance to have a great night out while supporting farmers markets and small food producers at a local level. It's a way of educating yourself and funding your local farmers market for the next season at the same time.

Premiere screening tickets are $20 and $5 of every ticket goes back to your local farmers market. Go to for details on where to purchase your ticket.

Greystone Wines from the Waipara Valley in North Canterbury is also proud to support the premiere screening of the movie "Food Inc" in conjunction with The NZ Farmers Market Association.

Marketing Manager Angela Clifford suggests "Food Inc is a movie that asks you to think about where your food comes from, to question the industrialisation of food and to support small producers who "grow their own". Greystone asks you to do the same for wine!"

For more information please contact:

Chris Fortune
NZ Farmers Market Association
Ph: 021 935 995


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