The New organics on the block
The new locals are back in town
In a time and age of I want more, there is a time for justification, why is the world in such a state of political unrest? Why are billions of dollars being given to leading worldwide organisations to prop up the market place and yet we struggle to pay the weekly grocery and utility bills, how can big business trade with unsecured funds in such a unsustainable manner (sustainable being easy to say and hard to do) with other peoples money and how is going to affect me and my family. While we think that we are far away from all of the unrest and stirrings it will affect us but how it affects us is up to our communities and the strength of them (the community of NZ)
Consumers need to and want to be assured that they are purchasing safe food – food that has been grown and produced ethically and without the over use of chemicals and sprays – food that has been handled and raised in a humane way, that has been produced in a sustainable way that allows all in the food chain to understand and be part of the process that it has taken to get it to the dinner table. While we are all price conscious and watching what we are spending we are more than ever becoming aware of its journey - from paddock to plate and beyond the farm gate.
As the world gets smaller in terms of our access to what is going on around us thanks to TV and Internet we are looking for the more simpler things that we can grasp and take control of – while other nations have food riots and shortages over rice, NZ is economic food bowl that is the land of milk and Honey that is growing up in a real world where not everything is as it appears to be but it can be whatever we want it to be if we just do it
What is conventional anymore, who says that this must be the right way to produce more from less land for more people, that we must regulate to ensure that we meat the minimum standard. What every happened to raising the bar and not excepting just because it is put in front of us - What every happened to Local and why did we stray so far from it
In these times of uncertainty what ever happened to Strawberry soup and why did it not become the next best thing since sliced bread?
Local Strawberry Soup with Bee Pollen and Yoghurt
2 cups fresh or Frozen Strawberries (only use the ones that are marked or a bit squshy and save the best ones for garnish and eating with cream)
1 cup orange juice
1 T icing Sugar
1 Pinch Ground Ginger
1 Cup of Yoghurt Natural Sweetened
1 T Bee Pollen to Garnish (available from Bush’s Honey, Old Renwick road )
Strawberries to garnish
In a blender, combine the Strawberries, yogurt, orange juice, icing sugar, and ginger. Puree until well mixed, you can add extra juice or a little water to correct the consistency. Serve chilled and garnish with sliced strawberries and dollops of yoghurt sprinkled with bee pollen.
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